The Shimano TLD 20 Reel has been around for several years. This is why Deep Sea Fishing Gear thought we would review this work horse reel. If you’re not in the know and or are new to the hobby than you seriously think about adding this to your arsenal. Deep Sea Fishing Gear is a little partial to this saltwater reel and for good reason. The Shimano TLD is a classic for a couple of reasons. First, it’s affordable. As we all know good quality trolling reels can get expensive so with an entry price in the range of a $130 it’s a great deal. Second, it’s built to last. We have had this reel in our lineup for over 7 years because it doesn’t fail. Third, it’s easy to operate. The smooth drag adjustment coupled with the weight of the reel makes that it easy to crank in those monsters. At the end of the day you just can’t go wrong by adding the Shimano TLD to family.
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